

Diagnosis Export Canada

Check your potential and have adequate financial resources.

Selection Company and Offering (product or services)

This preliminary analysis determines the next steps. The qualification of the company for the Canadian market is therefore essential to evaluate if the company has the necessary assets and requirements to move to the first phase of adaptation in the Canadian market.

Several elements will be analyzed such as the maturity of the product, its innovative character, the industries, business models, but also the long term game plan and determination of company executives.

Financial planning

Payment schedule (usually spread over 3 years) is based on the maturity of the company. The amount of the fee/package is determined by the type of business (young innovative company, mid-size innovative company, mature firm) and the time, skills and studies needed to assess its needs
The sales goals are correlated to the amount of financing available.

Diagnosis objectives : To confirm the relevance of the company’s needs (management, potential, commitments, ambition).



Evaluation and Supply / Market Adequacy

Assess the compatibility of your product and measure any adaptation needs for the new market.

Market Validation

This step allows analysis of regulations, laws, ethical & legal product standards, and also the specific market while confirming its size and potential. It is part of the need to understand market demand, and to be prepared for it without initially pushing sales without adequate product information.

Objectives : To confirm to the European company that the Canadian or North American market is by its terms and opening the right choice on its list of target countries for export.

Confirmation of Market

It is important to validate that your product may become popular in this new market, which is often a very high step to climb. What is the gap that separates me from the market and would I be able to adapt to become a major player?

Your study will therefore focus on analyzing technical aspects , operational, marketing, business, business & operation, ergonomics / design, legal, product (product + services) and many other ingredients of the company in order to have an objective point of view of the situation and determine the gaps to be filled or obstacles to overcome.

Objectives : to demonstrate to the Canadian market that the proposed French product can be adapted to the market, has a high growth potential and that it is appropriate to meet market needs.

Adapting the Solution

This step is pivotal because it affects future performance and economic performance on Canadian soil. The studies include recommendations with specifics detailing the feedback from market experts on priority topics: adapting products with the features, ergonomics, language training, business documents / marketing / technical processes, various sales / installation / service transfer of powers, and other ingredients specific to each business and each market according to the legal and technological partnerships with integrators in Canada.

It is also important to make sure that adaptations for the new market are completed on every level from product adjustments to sales strategies to ascertain market readiness.

Objectives : Validation of the criteria defined in the previous steps is achieved with the necessary modifications to be able to sell, produce and deliver. This is the second confirmation level to obtain according to Alsago’s quality standards because it allows the company to be market compatible and operational.



Marketing – Commercialization

Set targets and be operational to achieve them.

Validation Strategies & Business Model

The list of ingredients and variables are known, the adjustments made, it is at this point, after the various phases of validated self-knowledge (Diagnostic), Market (Empathy, understanding and knowledge of the other) and the adequacy of supply (adaptation efforts to upgrade to the application), the modified product receives positive feedback. These fruits make the company operational in defining commercial marketing strategies that are tied to changes made to make the product market ready.

Different elements will therefore be elaborated such as a business plan with sales strategies selected according to preceding months’ results meetings, the definition of strategic partnerships, the profile location for the choice of the test / control / reference customer , the business strategy (who does what and when for the test client, the animation of Vars / Partner Integrators and future prospects / customers), financial projections or prospecting plan.

Objectives : To define a roadmap based on the experience and confirmation of the previous steps leading to objectively projecting themselves knowingly in terms of strategic vision, sales objectives, and means to achieve them.

The Dry Run

The dry run is very important because it determines the efficiency of the customer’s initial installation in North America. This simulaiton is usually done with the French company, prospective clients and Canadian integrating partners.

Next you need to finalize your sales method as well as trainingsupport/maintenance, services (technical, skilled workers, scientists), partners, finishing the product so it will satisfy the first customer.

Objectives : To have a global Canadian experience from A to Z with the product and associated services making it possible to form Integrating Partners in indirect mode or set the global sales targets directly after the simulation. This client will be both witness and participant of this first Canadian experience, to serve as support to convince the Integrating Partner or to make the second sale in Canada.

Sales Rehearsal & Partners

This stage is the one every company wants to get to as it is the last one before becoming fully operational. It is the third step after Company Selection and its adaptation to Canadian soil.

The Sales and Partners rehearsal will allow the company to choose the prospective clients or customers and partners, and not be caught in a process of improvisation, rough and unprepared. It also includes the organization and structured coordination of client or partner training with different skills and levels. (General Management, Operations and Sales / After Sales).

This last part also constitutes the preparation or finalization of various negotiations between the company and its future Canadian business partners, technology or R&D. It also manages the client process from A to Z in a proven concept (POC) that allows testing scenarios of customer locations and to correct imperfections, basically trouble shooting for the set-up of the future company.

Objectives: To validate sales, business models and criteria (R&D, PI, Partners) for the creation of a joint venture or subsidiary or other forms of associations in North American.



Valuation and Best Practices

Infrastructure, Recruitment, Partners, R&D, PI, Grants…

This phase involves the validation of interdependent ingredients to target a profitable entry:

  • The Market
  • The Product, its adaptation to its market relevance
  • Technical / technological Partnerships (infrastructure), Business & Professions (Services), Operations (Support, Maintenance, Update …) or R&D (Ergonomics, Design, Features, …) or Intellectual Property
  • The business models chosen
  • The transfer of skills
  • The choice of future profiles of the Subsidiary and its Steering Committee
  • The forecast of the future entity thanks to the concrete results of the business done in previous years during the Market Test

Objectives: To master the contours of the future company. Be specific and concrete in financial projections and needs in Human Resources (Business, Technical, R&D) or materials needed to achieve the objectives.

Added value

  • Selection of the research plan and appropriate development for tax credits or salary payback
  • Optimization of Intellectual Property
  • Select a city location in relation to :
    1. The defined R&D policy
    2. Business or Technology Partners
    3. Economic incentives from the city or region or province
    4. Geographical location in relation to reach maximum customer potential
  • Choosing a suitable steering committee.