Long Term Missions (Platform Clients)
Types of Clients
Specific missions
We helped more than 200 companies/organizations/institutions in Canada since 2008 performing missions such as:
- Attracting investments
(Regions – France Nord-Pas-De-Calais) - Funding Research (e.g: Proterra – United States or Pmscada in Cybersecurity) ou Investors
(Belgian, French or Canadian Companies including Pmscada in Cybersecurity) - Market Assessments
(e.g: NTM – Russia, all of our platform clients including VTS-C) - Exploration missions
(e.g: Groupe Olympique Lyonnais or all of our platform clients including Pertech) - Company diagnosis or Export
(For all of our platform Clients*) - Financial arrangements for Export
(80% of our plateform Clients) - Applications for grants France-Canada
(e.g: Proc-Data SI Canada –BPI/CNRC) - The establishment or acquisition of businesses (e.g: bluenove, Interaction Healthcare, FutureWithPast…)
- Launch of the APM (Association for Management Improvement) in Canada and Animation of the 1st North American Club enabling Quebecker managers to unwind while meeting philosophers
- Smart Cities support in Canada (Youth Reintegration through Innovation, Agile Governance, Social/Citizen Innovation, Sustainable Development, Economic Development etc., including the City of Mulhouse)
- Support/Representation for Trade shows
(Xaga Group at MDEIE TIC Quebec, Silicom in Portland – ION/GNSS, AQTR Montreal for Mobigis, Photonicsnorth Montreal for Biocordis)
Areas of Operation
Geographical Areas
Areas of Activity
Alsago will support 10 to 12 companies in priority areas such as carriers or other selected sectors:
- 2 to 3 in the Aerospace / Transport / Logistics
- 2 to 4 in Information Technology / Telecommunications / Digital
- 2 to 3 in Renewable Energy / Clean Energy
- 2 in the areas of Health / Food / Biotechnology / Cosmetics
Company profiles and levels of maturity
Innovative companies with high growth potential in the platform will generally experience three levels of profile :
- 5 to 6 High performance type / Flagship M2 to M5 * (Example Silicom)
- 2 to 3 intermediate type M1 * (Example Xaga)
- 2 to 3 type Start-Up/Young Innovative Company(YIC), with great International potential (Example Tracers Technology)
Defining types of businesses:
- M2/M5 mature 2 to 5: companies with 50 to 300 employees or more, 5 to 25 million in revenue with knowledge of their market and international or subsidiaries of large groups (M5)
- M1 : company through its development has existed for at least 3 to 5 years, number from 1 to 3 million of revenue, wishing to acquire international experience to target faster growth.
- Young Innovative Company / Start-Up young company with a revenue of less than 1 million, existing for less than 3 years and labeled products (YIC)
Our Ecosystem
« BECOMING ELSEWHERE Entrepreneurs accompanies us since 2011 for our development in North America.
Beyond their professionalism, their availability and their kindness, they managed to fit us in the “microcosm” of Montreal, as well as spreading our name in North America by taking several key initiatives: we made thanks to them the cover of the 1st global magazine of our field in the US.
All of this has been done in the perspective of our short-term implantation in Canada.
This implementation is planned for 2015, and I am pleased to entrust to Olivier and his team the steering of the scalability of this future branch, because I have full confidence in his loyalty.”
“As President Founder of bluenove, I really want to thank the Olivier Perrin’s intuition and his team for having contacted us in 2010 as we were developing in France our company created in 2008. BECOMING ELSEWHERE Entrepreneurs identified us by estimating that we had a potential for development in Canada and they accompanied us to mobilize the help of funding from the Coface. Background work was carried out by BECOMING ELSEWHERE Entrepreneurs teams in order to clear out this new territory in terms of business opportunities, partnerships and talents who were likely to join bluenove. I particularly liked the ‘Coaching’ dimension they brought us in moments of doubt and impatience, by motivating us to be persistent and to keep the distance for this long-term project.”
“Supported by BECOMING ELSEWHERE Entrepreneurs from A to Z in the rise of Unterval in Canada, we have co-developed in 3 years a structured and sustainable business model by organizing 7 France-Canada missions in the Audiovisual / Cinema / Video Games / Virtual Reality industries. 70 French companies participated in our B2B missions to build up partnerships (co-productions, pre-sales) with Canadian film, audiovisual and video game firms.
BECOMING ELSEWHERE Entrepreneurs has brought us its skills in terms of approaching the market, establishing contacts with professionals and building up our project, not to mention its ability to manage the administrative formalities of the implementation of the company.
This transition phase allowed us, as Unterval France, to adapt, to structure and to internationalize to become Unterval Canada.In 2017, we are officially implemented and mature to develop our projects on solid foundations and continue to rely on BECOMING ELSEWHERE Entrepreneurs for the launch of new challenges in other sectors of activity.”